The Story Behind the dB9PRO VR1.0

digital voice recorder dictaphoneAt dB9PRO, we are passionate about what we do, and we always want to do more.

Understandably, we also want our products to do more for our customers, and we really want you, our customer, to get the most possible use from our products.

Having been years in the field of media production, recording and music production, we not only love what we do, but we want our products to enable possibilities for our customers too.

The story of the dB9PRO VR1.0 first began many years back, with inspiration from Somesh Thakur, an international composer and music producer, while he was based in India. He used to carry a small dictaphone with him to record tunes and ideas that popped into his head when he was out travelling and would often develop them further upon returning to his studio.

Some of those little tunes turned into popular songs as he collaborated worldwide with many musicians and producers over the years.

Portable recording equipment has gotten smaller and smaller – coming all the way from occupying a whole room full of equipment years ago to finally fitting into the palm of your hand or simply an app on a mobile phone. Today, with the advent of modern technology, there are indeed many options.

We, at Arcos Global Ltd., wanted to create a perfect consumer-friendly recording device that was cheap, effortless to use and carry around; one that didn’t need to be recharged often, yet one that produced good quality useable consumer recordings.

This relentless search finally resulted in the creation of the VR1.0 – a USB voice recorder/dictaphone we are proud of.

Want to know more?

Click here to get the VR1.0 USB Digital Voice Recorder from dB9PRO!

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